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The Self Authoring Suite

The Self-Authoring Suite is a series of online writing programs that collectively help you explore your past, present, and future.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Jordan Peterson Jordan Peterson

Write the Story of Your Life

Delve into yourself to discover the potential within. The Self-Authoring Suite is a series of online writing programs that collectively help you explore your past, present and future. Over a decade of research have led to this series of programs, resulting in thousands of lives set on a better path.

This life-altering program was co-created by Dr. Jordan B Peterson. 10 years ago Jordan and a team of expert researchers began developing a program specifically designed to help individuals rectify "stuck" memories, discover strengths and weaknesses, and develop their ideal future. This program is the culmination of these efforts and has proven itself as an effective resource.

Author Your Past, Present and Future in One Simple Package

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Past Authoring

Work on past trauma
Translate your narrative
Make sense of experience
Analyze key memories


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Present Authoring

Discover strengths
Address weaknesses
Understand your mind
Know your habits


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Future Authoring

Strategize your life
Achieve clarity
Design the future
Identify obstacles


Why Writing?

People who spend time writing carefully about themselves become happier, less anxious, less depressed, and physically healthier. Thinking about where you came from, who you are, and where you are going helps you chart a simpler and more rewarding path through life.


Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

What You Get

You will be guided through carefully engineered writing exercises via online prompts on our program website. This program is taken at your own pace, but we have found that investing more time upon reflection and deep writing will translate to far better results in your life. Each program usually takes 4-5 hours, but we recommend you divide this time up over multiple sessions and begin each session with a refreshed, and well-rested mind.

Jordan Peterson

Take Back Your life

Four essential programs for only $29.90.
For a limited time, buy the Full Self Authoring Suite, and receive a free second copy, to gift to a friend.

Or, purchase each program independently.





Videos About The Program





About the Past Authoring Exercise

It is difficult to know who you are, where you should go, or how you should get there, unless you know where you came from. The Past Authoring Program has therefore been designed to help you write a structured autobiography. The program will help you:

  • Divide your life into seven different time periods or epochs.
  • Identify the most significant events that occurred during each epoch.
  • Describe how each of those experiences has shaped who you are today.

It would be particularly useful to complete the Past Authoring Program if you have memories that are more than about eighteen months old that still intrude upon your thoughts, or that still evoke emotion such as fear, regret, shame or confusion. If this is happening, it means that your mind has not yet been able to fully process your past experiences, and that the brain areas associated with negative emotion still regard the past events in question as unresolved threats.

About the Present Authoring Exercise

This exercise has been designed to allow you to do an in-depth analysis of the negative and positive elements of your personality, that is, your faults and your virtues, respectively. The exercise is structured around the Big Five Personality Model. The Big Five model is an empirically derived measurement model of personality that assesses variation in:

  • Extraversion or positive emotion, dominance and enthusiasm
  • Openness to Experience or creativity, artistic sensibility, and philosophical-mindedness
  • Emotional Stability or the absence of negative emotion (anxiety, emotional pain, shame and guilt)
  • Conscientiousness or orderliness and persistence
  • Agreeableness or warmth, empathy and tender-mindedness (versus assertiveness and aggression)

Present Authoring is composed of two exercises: Faults and Virtues

Present Authoring - Faults

The Present Authoring - Faults exercise makes an excellent starting point. It has been designed to allow you to do an in-depth analysis of the negative elements of your personality, that is, your faults.

When you do the Present Authoring - Faults exercise, you will be asked to identify your faults from among a list of traits that cluster around a particular personality factor. So for extraversion, for example, you might indicate that you tend to feel uncomfortable around others, or that you bottle up your feelings, and so on. For Openness to Experience, you might indicate that you have a hard time planning for the future because you are interested in everything, or that you can become possessed by an idea. After narrowing down the selected list to the faults that you feel affect you the most, you will be asked to write about each fault, first describing a time when that fault caused you trouble, and then exploring what you might have done, or how you could have acted differently, to affect a different outcome.

Present Authoring - Virtues

The Present Authoring - Virtues exercise has been designed to allow you to do an in-depth analysis of the positive elements of your personality, that is, your virtues.

When you do the Present Authoring - Virtues exercise, you will be asked to identify your virtues from among a list of traits that cluster around a particular personality factor. So for extraversion, for example, you might indicate that you feel comfortable around people, or that you are skilled in handling social situations, and so on. For Openness to Experience, you might indicate that you are always learning new things, or that you have a lot of insight into yourself and others. After narrowing down the selected list to the virtues that you feel are most pertinent, you will be asked to write about each virtue, first describing a time when that virtue helped you attain a desired goal or cause a desired outcome, and finally, exploring how you might use that virtue more effectively in your present or future life.

About the Future Authoring Exercise

The Future Authoring Program is designed to help you imagine your ideal future, three to five years down the road. What would your life be like if you could set it up in the manner that would be best for you? You will be asked to consider the people you admire, things you could do better, your educational and career goals, what habits you would like to improve, your family life, your social network, and your leisure activities.

Then you will be asked to write freely about your ideal future, without regard for grammar or spelling, for 15-20 minutes. It is best to use your imagination, to daydream, during this process. After that, you will be taken through a series of exercises that will help you specify, in detail, your ideal future, by summarizing, titling and prioritizing your goals, evaluating your motives, considering their personal and social impact, strategizing for their attainment, identifying potential obstacles and their solutions, monitoring your progress, and evaluating your decisions.

Future Authoring has been used by over 10,000 people and has shown to help them achieve more, while alleviating anxiety about the future through a feeling of clarity of purpose and direction. While most Future Authoring participants feel better about their future and generally achieve more towards their goals, there have been academic studies performed to demonstrate the effect of the Future Authoring program:

Four hundred students completed an abbreviated version of the Future Authoring program during freshman orientation at an undergraduate college. By the second semester, 27% of the class had dropped out, while only 14% of the group that had used Future Authoring had left the college. Other university studies have shown that not only does Future Authoring help students avoid dropping out, but it also improves their performance in terms of grade point average and the number of credits earned.


In what order should I write the programs?

Our users each have their own experiences, circumstances, and needs. Some people benefit from doing the Past Authoring exercise first. One approach is to do the Present Authoring Faults exercise first, to sharpen your sense of self criticism, the Future Authoring exercise next, to formulate a plan, then the Present Authoring Virtues exercise, to think about capitalizing on your strengths, and finally the Past Authoring exercise. However, if you have significant issues in your past that are still causing you some trouble, you might consider starting with the Past Authoring exercise. You should do it in the order that you think will benefit you the most.

Can I download the program or write it offline?

At this time there is no option to download the Self Authoring programs and complete them offline. Some people choose to complete the program in a word-processor, or by hand, and put some filler text in the program.

Another thing to be aware of is that the programs are designed to keep track of your word count and to have time limits. This is to keep answers below a certain length, and so people don’t spend too much time on a particular answer.

Can I write the program in any language?

The programs are most effective when the writer is working in their most fluent language, so it is encouraged.

Does the program have an expiration after I purchase it?

It does not expire, so you can take as long as you’d like to complete the programs. Remember that you can return to your work at any time. You do not have to complete the programs in one sitting. In fact, sleeping between periods of work likely helps the process produce the changes in outlook and memory reorganization that it is designed to produce.

Approximately how long does a single program take?

Each program usually takes 4-5 hours, but we recommend you divide this time up over multiple sessions and beginning each session with a refreshed, and well-rested mind.


Careful writing about traumatic or uncertain events, past, present or future, appears to produce a variety of benefits, physiological and psychological. Written accounts of trauma positively influence health. Recent investigations have shown that the explicit written description of an ideal future produces similar results. A large body of research conducted in the industrial and business domains also demonstrates that future authoring or goal-setting results in improved productivity and performance.

McGill Study - Journal of Applied Psychology
Setting, Elaborating, and Reflecting on Personal Goals Improves Academic Performance
Rotterdam Study - Nature
A scalable goal-setting intervention closes both the gender and ethnic minority achievement gap
Mohawk Study - The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Using Future Authoring to Improve Student Outcomes

If you buy the 2 for 1 Special, you will receive all the Self Authoring exercises for yourself. You will also receive a voucher that you can email to a friend. This voucher will allow your friend to create an account and get access to his own Self Authoring Suite. So, the 2 for 1 special provides access to all the Self Authoring programs for two people for a single payment of $29.90.

The Self Authoring Suite provides access to all four of the Self Authoring exercises: the Present Authoring - Faults, Present Authoring - Virtues, the Future Authoring, and the Past Authoring. The total value of these exercises, when purchased separately, is $59.80. When purchased together as the Self Authoring Suite, the total cost is only $29.90.

The Past Authoring exercise has been designed to help you get a deeper understanding of the critical life events that have made you who you are.
Purchase the Past Authoring exercise for $14.95.

The Future Authoring exercise has been designed to allow you to do an in-depth analysis of your ideal future and helps you plan the steps you might take to realize that ideal.
Purchase the Future Authoring exercise for $14.95.

The Present Authoring - Faults exercise helps you identify your negative traits, understand their impact, and explore how you might mitigate their effects.
Purchase the Present Authoring - Faults exercise for $14.95.

The Present Authoring - Virtues exercise helps you identify your positive traits, understand their impact, and explore how you might capitalize on them.
Purchase the Present Authoring - Virtues exercise for $14.95.